Main Page

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SWIL life from the 2000 Presidential Inauguration

Welcome to the SWIL and Psi Phi Wiki! SWIL is the alumni and social arm of the Swarthmore Science Fiction and Fantasy club formerly of the same name, a wiki is a user-editable website, and this, therefore, is where we define and delimit our deviant designs for such debauchery as we deem decent. In other words: here you can read about SWIL's illustrious history, past and future events that we run, and other things that we think are amusing.

Furthermore, we want you to get involved. Yes, you. All the content on this site was written by SWILlies past or present, most of it collaboratively, and there's still a lot to do. Take a look at the Community Portal page to learn how to set up an account and start contributing. At the moment, this Wiki contains 410 unique articles - with a little help, we can do better!

You will need an account to read or edit the wiki - please contact us at with your desired username to request one.

And of course, if you find yourself wondering exactly who you're dealing with, well - we're trying to figure that out, too. So lend us a hand with our Wiki - we are, after all, infinitely interpretable. Thank you,

— The Swarthmore Warders of Imaginative Literature

Hey, we're Psi Phi, and we're here too now. Watch this space. — Psi Phi (not a frat)


3/22/25: There's now a page for the upcoming Alumni_Weekend_2025 - please add your info!


General About Us
Contact Info: Titles, offices, and contact info Wiki ground rules
Wish list: Things SWIL Needs SWIL People
SWIL events SWIL Reunion
Current events
History and Lore For Fun
SWIL history Book Recommendations
The Panic Book Games
The Secret Tour of Swarthmore Quotes
Pterodactyl Hunt Official Titles

See also

Personal tools
